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Humber’s Mill, Margate
Humber’s Mill, Margate

Project: Humber’s Mill

Client: Axis Land

In collaboration with: Mosaic Urban Design, Savills and Stantec

The scheme is a strategic new residential proposal for circa 1,500 homes, a school, and significant green infrastructure including a country park. Working closely with the ecologists and drainage teams, we are creating a network of biodiverse green spaces for nature to thrive and existing and new residents to enjoy.

Humber’s Mill, Margate

Humber’s Mill is a strategic site for circa +1,500 homes, a school, and green infrastructure located within Margate. It is an allocated site within the Thanet Local Plan, identified as part of the long-term strategic growth of the district. The site adjoins a cemetery, a listed farmhouse, and new development. It is near Westwood Cross. A historic bridleway ‘Half Mile Ride’ extends through it, connecting to the wider landscape to the west.

EDLA have been appointed for landscape planning and landscape design, advising on the landscape and visual sensitivities of the site and its context, undertaking the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and proposing new strategic green infrastructure including a country park, connected footpaths, and cycleways, play and allotments.

The scheme is ongoing, and due to be submitted later in 2022, following public consultations, further technical work, and an Environmental Impact Assessment.

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