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The Wheat Quarter, Welwyn Garden City
The Wheat Quarter, Welwyn Garden City


Client: Wheat Quarter Limited

In collaboration with: Collado Collins (Architects) and Constructive Management (Planners)

A regeneration project that at its core will regenerate the art deco and iconic Shredded Wheat factory site and connect the two sides of this town. Our landscape design proposal focuses on the journey through the site, as well as individual character areas.

The proposed scheme accommodates a variety of open spaces: public, private, semi-private, and playgrounds; that can enable community and cultural activities to thrive and grow.


The Wheat Quarter, Welwyn Garden City

This proposal will regenerate the iconic and listed Shredded Wheat factory buildings and surrounding area, providing much-needed additional housing and high-quality public open space. EDLA’s work has been largely focused on the design and enhancement of a series of communal courtyards for residents, green pedestrian links into the site, and a large sustainable urban drainage (SUDs) feature. A key driver and focus behind the changes have been to improve the quality and quantum of the green space to support and improve the local ecosystem and air quality and to improve pedestrian connectivity across the site.

Some of the key fundamental objectives in our proposal include:
• to establish a strong sense of place
• to create beautiful and imaginative landscape spaces
• to increase biodiversity and sustainability
• to establish a series of connected and integrated routes
• to create a multifunctional environment
• to deliver the social, recreational, and cultural facilities and services the community needs.

The official project website is here



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