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School Lane, Newington, Kent
School Lane, Newington, Kent

Client: Fernham Homes

In collaboration with: DHA Planning and Transport, GDM Architects, Bakerwell Ecology, Murdock Wickham Landscape Architects.

School Lane, Newington, Kent

EDLA has worked with the design team to develop a residential scheme (25 homes) within the village of Newington, Kent.  The scheme was successful at appeal, with the Inspector supporting our findings and stating that the proposals have been properly informed by landscape and visual impact assessment.  For further details please download the Inspectors Decision here. 030 230928 Appeal Decision 21 504028

The Site is on the edge of Newington, Kent, adjoining Newington Primary School.  The scheme proposes 25 new homes and a new 20-space staff car park and visitor drop off for the school.  We were appointed to provide strategic landscape advice and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). Our early strategic advice included restricting built form to align with the contours of the site, taking into account the elevated footpath extending up a localised hill to the southwest.  Our advice also included creating a wooded buffer to the west and south, reflecting the existing field patterns and vegetation structure locally taking account of the local landscape character and softening views of the village edge in the long term.

The scheme was refused planning and has recently been allowed at Appeal.  One of the key aspects within the reasons for refusal was the impact on the character and appearance of the area, landscape and views being a key consideration within this.

EDLA presented our case at Appeal, which was that whilst there is inevitably some harm, the harm would be highly localised.  Furthermore, the scheme would form a logical extension of settlement and would assimilate over time.  The Inspector agreed with our conclusions, and also made the following key observations:

He welcomed the use of photomontages (para 23) which help to illustrate the points made.

  • The proposal would reflect the positive characteristics and features of the site and locality, notably the existing strong wooded boundaries (para 28)
  • The layout, scale and landscape design of all proposals has been properly informed by landscape and visual impact assessment (para 29).

Congratulations to our client Fernham Homes on this Appeal Decision.

*Main image- Verified wireline view created by We Are Realm Architectural Visualisation consultancy. Landscape masterplan extract by Murdock Wickham.

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